Thursday, October 21, 2010


The world was set apart by "a nose" last week....yes,my friend you
heard that right,"A NOSE"
......It was yet another shocking incident of a Taliban brutality in
Afghanistan that set the world shivering or more accurately fuming
with rage.....
"The nose" of a beautiful Afghan girl,still in her early twenties,cut
out from her face by some erstwhile Taliban dictats....
At the same time,on the other side of the same planet,Mrs Hillary
Clinton,US secretary of state was announcing the new fiscal
policy,which her government is going to adopt to cut down on out
Two scenes,two stories,different reactions....but the fact that
connects them is that both are stories of feeling the feminine gender.
From time immemorial women has been often referred to as the "weaker
sex".Physically they are said to be incompetent,and a complex biology
sets them apart from the male species.They were not allowed to do what
men could,and were forced to live in a permanent bondage.Time
changed,so did tradition,and with the ouset of the modern era of the
twenty first century,concepts such as feminine emancipation and women
liberation came to the force...
For the first time women started to show their worth.....They took
control of everyth0ing which they could not do earlier....They took
control over business institutions religious sex and world
economies...And what they did was at par with men if not better..Men
got a run for their money and they understood that they understood
that they can no more suppress women with their might,will and so
called religious taboos...They had to fight it out with "the weaker
sex" and many a times and oft "the weaker sex" got the better of
men....World got to see amazing female stalwarts like Queen
Elizabeth,Indira Gandhi,Benazir Bhutto,Condolezza Rice,Chandrika
Kumaratunga and so on....
But the modern world also saw the coining of the new economic
term..."The Third World"...A Third World does not mean an economy with
a plummeting GDP.But it also means an economy with religion
descrepencies,unstable equites ,unstable governments,economic
disparties in short under development..
No matter how much the concept of globalisation pushes its way through
obstacles toward success and glory but it is yet to see the light of
the dawn in major parts of these economies.A major drawback of these
phenomenon was the advent of perils like
poverty,unemployements,illeteracy and governance based on religious
Take the examples of modern day India...It is said that indian economy
is booming.We have the best innovative minds around and the worlds
powerful economies are shelling out lumps of currency to hire those
brains.We are an economy which is said to be least affected by the
recession and we are giving the US a neck to neck competetion in the
Jobs market.But it is often said"All that glitters is not gold"...and
definately India is not an exception.So at one hand when we have
independent femenine prodigies successfully handling governance and
economic powerhouses at the same time in the underdeveloped parts of
the nation we have women selling off their babies for a few currency
Probably this topic has been discussed a lot before and as time will
go on the battle for supremacy between men and women will go on.I am
no one to judge who is better...
But still to finish it off..I will like to say that surely women have
to larger heart and after all this years of oppression they have come
back strongly and still have a place for us in their hearts.
so thats why,God selected a women womb to bear a child and take a
generation foreward.Surely ""The Hand that rocks the craddle Rockz the