Sunday, August 15, 2010


What started off as an eternal dream for all Delhiites and citizens of India of seeing the capital on the roadmap of the world and stamping the authority on the claims of the country to become a global super power is fast turning into a nightmare. With over a month left, none of the world class stadiums deserving for such a big event are complete. There is no proper place for the athletes to stay nor can they be guaranteed proper foolproof security, these reasons are good enough for any foreign athlete to feel unsafe. Delhi as it is not safe for women and not at all safe for foreign women athletes. It is only fair that most of the big names have pulled out of the event. This has been labelled as the costliest CWG ever, imagine the rampant corruption and filling of the coffers. The games though not yet over, could still turn out to be a roaring success. But if it doesn’t and there is every possibility it wouldn’t, Delhi 2010 will be remembered as a dream gone sour.


II year


Unknown said...

well.. i think u've mentioned all d flaws dat u see in delhi organising d event....
bt i wud like 2 say dat nothing cn b changed by changing d face, wat u need 2 do is facing d change.. n amend it if required.

Arjun said...

well as a delhiite myself i feel disappointed as i think this was the perfect opportunity for india to show its prowess to the whole world and to make delhi a global city...we have been facing all kinds of inconveniences for the past 6 yrs only to know that it was all a far as change is concerned i am not as optimistic as you!

gourav said...

well i agree with arjun....not nly delhi even mumbai is also geting an apotunity for hosting semifinal of world cup 2011