Saturday, August 28, 2010


The 27th of august witnessed the fresher’s social for the eee dept. The programme started of at 2 pm the prayer song by poojitha and dharini. The hid eee delivered the address after that. And then the performances kick started. The anchors for the day were soumalya and plabita.the main performances were dance by kamarpal and arjun, dance by antra, songs by rohit ratnesh with siddharth in the guitar and song by rohit mishra, solo dance by amrit and group dance by nishitha, antra, jeeta and plabita.

The main attraction of the day was interaction by SAP- santosh, alok and prashant, and by mrigank and yugal. At lot of fun sessions were conducted throughout while refreshments were provided. The seniors and the juniors bonded and the freshers became a part of the eee family. At the end, mr and miss circuit were announced and the winners vipul and mayanara received their mementos. The programme ended with the vote of thanks delivered by arjun and a group picture of the entire second year with hod sir. Over all, it was a fun day and every one enjoyed to their fullest.


What started as a mere idea from the students side materialised into reality on the 26th of august, 2010. The day witnessed the inauguration of the- e-qbe, the student’s forum formed by the eee students of ramapuram campus, Srm University, the first of its kind.

The function held at the dental college auditorium, Srm University, started off on the same day, sharp at one-thirty pm. It began with a prayer song by poojitha and dharini of 2nd year. That was followed by hod sir’s address. In his address, the hod sir highlighted on the importance of the forum, appreciated the student’s hardwork, and also introduced the chief guest, Mr. Mascurnas, executive engineer, TNEB.

Next the vice principal, srm university came up and enlightened everyone with his words. He emphasized on the importance of such initiatives and assured of total confirmation from his side. Next were second year students siddhrarth and kaustubh, who presented a slide which in details explained about e-qbe, and also acknowleged the people behind it. They also introduced ‘zenith’-the news letter for e-qbe and the next event was the opening of ‘zenith’ by the chief guest, hod eee and the vice principal. Then the editor of ‘ zenith’ –plabita thanked everyone for all the help and support in bringing out the news letter.

After this there was the guest lecture by mr. Mascurnas in which he highlighted on the importance of the branch, on the significance of electrical energy and power supply and the role of electrical engineers. The comparers for the day arjun, antra, saumalya and plabita did a good job. The programme ended with the national anthem after which everyone headed for refreshments. Overall, it was a successful beginning to e-qbe.

Thursday, August 19, 2010


Prominent among the urges, that inspires and drive a person in life is the urge to be somebody. It is quite humane in the quite early stages of life, is the urge to be somebody. It is quite humane, especially in the early stages of life, to want to do something to win laurels and admiration of all around. There is a pitfall though the very process of becoming somebody may subtly reduce to nobody.
American poet, Emily Dickinson says:
“I am nobody!
Who are you?
Are you nobody too?”
Why should anybody be happy about being nobody?
The point of guarding against becoming a self defeating somebody applies to upbringing of the child as well .Doting parents often stunt the natural growth of their children through excessive adulteration. Common acts and utterances are praised beyond an extent. Talent that otherwise might have flowered under proper training is praised to the extent of killing it.
John Stuart mill’s education and training began very early. At the age when many kids can barely speak, he had learnt enough to read the classics. Did this make him exceptional?
NO!!! Because his father (his tutor) always made him believe that there was nothing extraordinary about his achievement. He told him that he was doing only what anybody is capable of doing.


One should constantly watch out and talk to himself/herself morning and evening and brush aside adulation to remain a free NOBODY.

I year


The most beautiful phase of one's life ,where independence comes along with responsibility.It is said to be the most knowledgeable phase in the life of an individual where we learn a lot about life.At the same time it is the extremely enjoyable time when we make friends,party through out the night and loose oneself in the bliss of night.
college days are about the days of our life,which once gone will never return back.So we must treasure it properly.
People who go to college are incredible.We read and absorb and are comprehensively tested on heavy amount of various materials.We sleep very little ,We party too much.
Someone is always sick,someone is always complaining.We become attached to friends,our roommates and start living like a family.
We think often about the past and want to go back,but we know we can't.We all have separate lives,families,background and pasts.We live totally different life from how we used to live earlier.
Sometimes we are frustrated and want to give up,but we never stop trying .We disregarded health,eat awful food and are forced to think about the future.
We reach out for things,yet we don't find them.We try to sort our minds which is always filled with studies,worries,problems,memories.
But above all we always learn new things and its the dream of our lives that keep going.



Sunday, August 15, 2010


Music – it emanates the highest aesthetic pleasure to is a source of rejuvenation... brings in serenity...

But this is not entirely about the aesthetical value of music...though the purpose stated behind it is the same... the real reason behind backmasking stil continues to intrigue everyone...popularised by the beatles... backmasking has always remained one of the most controversial issues..and it continues to be so because the of the fervour it created during early 80s.

Backmasking is basically recording a song that is meant to be played forward in such a way that when it is played backward, it gives u a different meaning. Its like having two songs on the same track. It started as early as 1913 but was used first time as concrete by the beatles in their 1966 album “revolver”. The song created a furore, but not because of the obvious reason, rather because people interpreted it to be “satanic”.

And from here on began the saga of dissentions. During the 1970s, the fundamentalist Christian groups declared these as a work of satan, which was followed by mass record burning protests. The latest addition came when Led Zeppelin’s “stairway to heaven” which goes as”if there’s a bustle in your hedgegrow don’t be alarmed now. It’s just a spring clean for the may queen. Yes there are two paths you can go by, but in the long run; there’s still time to change the road you’re on”, when backmasked appeared as,”oh here’s to my sweet satan. The one whose little path would make me sad, whose power is satan. He ‘ll give you 666. There was a little tool shed where he made us suffer, sad satan.”

The alleged singer on confrontation said he had no knowledge about it, and backmasking was done only to enhance the quality of the track. The church claimed that it is either the subconscious mind of the singer deciphering the song the reverse way or it is the satan himself who was making the singers do it. Nonetheless it continued, and surprisingly more than half of the present day singers still use this technique, though now mostly, backmasked songs rather give u a satirical meaning.

Artists who have been accused of backmasking include Led Zeppelin[76] The Beatles,[76] Pink Floyd,[76] Electric Light Orchestra,[76] Queen,[76] Styx,[76]AC/DC,[76] Judas Priest,[76]The Eagles,[76] The Rolling Stones,[76] Jefferson Starship,[29] Black Oak Arkansas,[29] Rush,[77] Britney Spears,[78], andEminem.[23]

Eagles famous hotel California when played reverse gave message that claimed that the singers were into drugs. The Christian churh still believed that basic idea was spreading Satanism and mocking Christianity which derives from the ancient practice of mocking Christianity by saying prayers backward at the witch's Sabbath.

The mystery remains hidden but it still to pervade our minds. In recent times, backmasking is only done to add a fun element to songs. But the freakiness of the entire idea is astounding and will continue to be so.


II year


For years, researches who attempted to create genetically at immune mosquitoes that cannot infect humans with malaria which claims over 1 million lives worldwide every year.

Now for the first time scientists claim to have successfully succeeded in generating altering mosquitoes in a way which renders them completely immune to the parasite, a single cell organism called plasmodium. For the research the researchers used molecular biology techniques to design a piece of genetic information capable of inserting itself into a mosquito’s genome. This construct was then injected into eggs of the mosquitoes. the emerging generation carries the alter genetic information and passes it to the future generations .the scientists studied all the genetically modified mosquitoes alter feeding them a malaria infested blood they notice the plasmodium did not infect a single study animal.

They were surprised how well this worked ,the scientists hope that someday they will be able to replace wild mosquitoes with ab-bred populations viable to act as vectors that is ,replace the malaria causing parasite. The wild mosquito lives for average of 2 weeks and by reducing their life span the infections can be reduced.

The entire research is an astounding step for the eradication of the malaria parasite.


I year


What started off as an eternal dream for all Delhiites and citizens of India of seeing the capital on the roadmap of the world and stamping the authority on the claims of the country to become a global super power is fast turning into a nightmare. With over a month left, none of the world class stadiums deserving for such a big event are complete. There is no proper place for the athletes to stay nor can they be guaranteed proper foolproof security, these reasons are good enough for any foreign athlete to feel unsafe. Delhi as it is not safe for women and not at all safe for foreign women athletes. It is only fair that most of the big names have pulled out of the event. This has been labelled as the costliest CWG ever, imagine the rampant corruption and filling of the coffers. The games though not yet over, could still turn out to be a roaring success. But if it doesn’t and there is every possibility it wouldn’t, Delhi 2010 will be remembered as a dream gone sour.


II year


Money and muscle power have come to play a prominent role in college elections, students should join politics .but, for that to happen , the prevailing atmosphere has to change for better

The need of the hour is a group of young and dynamic students who can follow the lofty ideals set by our great leaders.

Voters are fed up with the aging politicians they want to see young energetic people in position of power. For that youth should be encouraged to join politics as students are known to be still not very matured they should ensure that they are not misled by self serving politicians.

it is high time students actively take part in politics, they can bring in refreshing changes to the much maligned political system, only students can cleanse the system with their thought and action but in this age of lucrative job offers students are finding it difficult to change their mind set and engage themselves in the national cause apart from the social service forums like NSS and NCC, students have new ideas for achieving greater progress. They should definitely be given a chance to make the country flourish.


I year


In fast growing world, anything can be possible. One of the major achievements is that human brain on a microchip is almost ready.

Canadian scientists have successfully connected brain cells to a silicon chip to “hear” conversation between brain tissues. The neuro chip, which has been developed by medicine scientists at the University of Calgary, will network brain cells and record brain cell activity at a resolution never achieved before, according to Naweed Syed who led the team.

The neuro chip will help future understanding of how brain cels work under normal conditions and thus permit drug discoveries for a variety of neuro generative diseases such as alzheimer’s and parkinson’s ,as stated by university. “this technical breakthrough means we can track subtle changes in brain activity at the level of ion channels and synaptic potentials, which are the most suitable target sites for drug development in neuro degenerative diseases and neuro psychological disorders”, Syed who is professor and head of department of cell biology and anatomy said.

“ was only possible to monitor one or two cells simultaneously. Now, larger network of cells can be placed in a chip and observed in minute details, and allowing the analysis of several brain cells networking and performing automatic, large scale drug screening for various brain dysfunctions”, the university statement said.

The university of calgary is excited at the potential of this made in Canada technology, said university vice president Rose Goldsmith. The university is proud to be the home of this cutting edge work with the neuro chip. The advances and research in technology and health care is made possible by this technology are immense.


I year


Electric cars are the rage in the US, but they still need lighter and cheaper batteries

Both nissanleaf and the estar are the companies that go on for the sale of electric cars but they are limited to just a 100 miles of driving on charge. These cars are powered by the batteries -one that shuttle lithium ions back and forth between two electrodes(lithium ion batteries).the unattractiveness of electric vehicles boils down to two facts :

1) Rechargeable batteries cost a lot and weigh a lot

2) A lithium ion battery at its best packs 100 watt-hours of energy per pound.

Now a day’s IBM group is trying to develop a battery that can do much better than lithium battery found now-more than seven times better or 800 watt hours per pound .this would mean that a 125-pound battery would be competing with a 100-pound full gas tank.

The trick here is to make use of something light and easily available: air, what are now known as metal air batteries.

METAL-AIR-BATTERIES: one electrode is a metal but the other is air, this type of battery would be lighter for a simple fact that it doesn’t have to carry one of the electrodes.

But whether recharging can happen for these batteries is the entire question.

the other problem for the lithium ion batteries is that they should be kept away from water which is impossible coz air contains water vapor .so few people came up with suggestions like usage of thin ceramic on lithium which allows only lithium ions to pass but not the water molecules .

so this is the current event for which the solution is yet to be found ,many projects have been taken up by companies like IBM which promised for an electrical-vehicle- size demo battery by mid decade.


II year

Amidst the mess

The Indian society is credited for its violent nature more than often especially in the modern society. Angry parents at home irritated teachers, frustrated colleagues, all trying to vent out their emotions at the drop of the hat irrespective of time, place or situation. Unfortunately, it’s the weak and the small at the receiving end that have no other way to go.

Once in life stop and stop and look at life from spectators point of view .Life appears to be so haphazard. The psychology of every person is messed up. The problem is tied up in a vicious circle and one can make a start anywhere, you have parents forcing kids to join premier institution by cracking the countries toughest engineering entrance irrespective of the kid’s choice calibre or aptitude. This child say, cracks the entrance at this point only, two lives just got ruined of the many more millions to be. One being the Childs itself and the other one of the child who wanted to study engineering but couldn’t get in because someone else got the spot. Now, our student passes out of this prestigious institution and again either opts for a completely irrelative branch to pursue his career Or works in his field of study even though he is /was/will be/ never interested in it. This leads to frustration, stress, cardiac problems, marital problems, kids ending up with single parents and ‘voila’ the list goes on into many more. Such people end up becoming wore professionals and may even be responsible for the spiflicating of other people’s careers.

There is no solution to this massive problem only self satisfaction can be obtained by pursuing our life the way we want or at least being bold enough to take a stand so at the end of the day we can look into the mirror and say that “at least i tried”.

II year